Chagall Marc

Chagall  Marc

Chagall, Marc (1887-1985)

 Marc Chagall is a famous Russian and French artist of Jewish origin. Chagall is one of the most famous representatives of the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century. Marc Chagall (birth name - Moishe Segal) was born in the Jewish suburb of Vitebsk on July 6, 1887. From the age of 14, he studied drawing with an artist from the Russian city of Vitebsk - Yudel Pan. In 1906, Marc Chagall began to study drawing in St. Petersburg with Lev Bakst. 

In 1909 Chagall returned to Vitebsk. Here, in Russian Vitebsk, Chagall met his only love and future wife - Bella Rosenfeld. Almost all the paintings with female images depict Chagall's wife - "Walk", "Beauty in a White Collar", "Above the City".

In 1911, Marc Chagall moved to live in France, in Paris. In France, Chagall painted the following paintings: "The Bride with a Fan", "View of Paris from the Window", "Me and the Village", "Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers".

In 1914, Chagall returned to Russia, to Vitebsk, and founded an art school there.

In the spring of 1923, Chagall returned to Paris. The artist devoted many years of his life to illustrations for the Bible. Engravings, drawings, paintings, stained glass windows and reliefs were combined into Chagall's "Bible Message". Chagall's artistic techniques are based on the visualization of Yiddish sayings and the embodiment of images of Jewish folklore.

In 1934, Chagall's paintings, which were kept in museums in Berlin, were publicly burned on Hitler's orders. In 1937, Marc Chagall left France and went to the USA with his family.

In 1944, he was going to return to Paris liberated from the Germans. But these days, Mark's wife, Bella, suddenly died. Chagall was very upset by the loss. He did not paint for nine months, and when he returned to creativity, he created two works dedicated to Bella - “Wedding Candles” and “Around Her”.

In 1977, Marc Chagall was awarded France's highest award, the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. At the end of the same year, on the occasion of the anniversary of Chagall, the Louvre hosted a personal exhibition of the artist.

Chagall died in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. He is buried in the local cemetery in Provence.