Israel museum Jerusalem

Israel museum Jerusalem

Israel Museum in Jerusalem. All or nothing.

This is not my first text about this museum. And not even a second visit. A good museum, and in this case I'm talking about an extraordinary and magnificent museum, a single two-hour visit is perceived as a mockery. First of all, the visitor mocks himself, his time, resources, perception, his "I". It is customary to talk about what kind of museum made an impression on the viewer. And few people think about what impression the visitor himself could make on the museum. Well, if the image of the museum requires deciphering, then at least what kind of impression did such a visitor make on those who conceived, created the museum and manages it at the present time. And also to those who created masterpieces, if you imagine for a second that they, in turn, have the opportunity to watch us.

Thinking about writing a text about the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, I was thinking about how to implement at the same time a post planned earlier and even agreed with a respected person on the topic “why visit museums?”. And here's what comes out of it. It doesn't come out exactly.

If you need to explain why and why you should go to museums, then you should not go to museums and galleries. I say this quite seriously. Why should you read books? Listen to Bach's fugues, Rachmaninov's symphonies and Paganini's concertos for example? Don't. The word "should" has nothing to do with it.

I can say for sure that my audience is those who cannot imagine their life without art. Whoever lives by it is completely absorbed, creates it or perceives it. Or both at the same time.

And to everyone else, I will simply say: do not go to museums and galleries! No need. For me personally, without exception, all visitors prevent me from taking pictures. And accept too. The fewer any visitors in the museum, the better. And it will be much better for you to spend time in accordance with your true interests. I say this without snobbery and mocking intonations. There are many beautiful things in the world - walks, sports, a feast with friends and anything, but only what you really want to spend your free time on. And we go to museums for the most part just in our free time. Love yourself and do not torment yourself with all sorts of “must see this” in vain.

Returning to the beginning of the post, I suggest you imagine two interlocutors. The first reports that he visited 50 of the best museums in Europe during the year and spent 2-3 hours in each. And the second one reports that during the year he visited 50 best breweries in the Czech Republic, Germany, Holland and Belgium and spent 2-3 hours in each. Which of these two comrades is the most interesting interlocutor?

I would definitely choose the second one. Without a doubt.

I sign that not only do I not understand how to argue the need for a trip to museums, but I also do not consider this a topic for discussion at all.

But what I consider a topic for discussion is the importance of going there repeatedly. Especially if it's a large collection.


1. It is impossible to digest a large volume at a time.

2. Exhibitions (temporary) happen very interesting.

3. The permanent exhibition is permanent in name only. In fact, it rotates, “breathes” continuously. Something is removed, taken away, restored, something comes from the restoration, returns from the tour and crawls out of the storerooms. For example, this time I saw an empty wall, where only six works were missing. Only six works by Paul Gauguin and Van Gogh. It's good that I caught them on a previous visit and photographed them too.

What are 6 paintings of outstanding masters? Is it a lot or a little?

In Italy, I happened to go to an exhibition of one painting by Titian. And there was a queue for an exhibition of one painting. And every single one of my friends stood in line, although I saw all these people for the first time. It is difficult to find random people in line for an exhibition of one painting.

4. Meeting with the same noteworthy work can be very different for the first and not for the first time. Some works are revealed gradually and sometimes quite unexpectedly.

5. We and what we see.

That's probably all I wanted to say. I hope to return in time to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. As well as in all worthwhile museums, which I was lucky enough to visit.