Serebryakova Zinaida

Serebryakova Zinaida

Zinaida Serebryakova - the surname at the birth of Lansere - is a Russian and French artist, born in 1884. Zinaida Serebryakova is a member of the World of Art association, one of the first Russian women who entered the history of painting. Student of Osip Braz.

As an artist Serebryakova was formed in St. Petersburg. Since her studies, Zinaida Lansere has tried to express her love for the beauty of the world. Her work often tells about the search for and a keen sense of the beauty of the Russian land. She was very fond of portraying Russian women in her works. For the paintings she chose strong, tall women, conveyed their strength, vigor, diligence to work, accuracy.

 One of the most famous paintings by Zinaida Serebryakova is a portrait of children "At Breakfast" (1914) - depicts the children of the artist and her. 

In 1919, the family of the artist Serebryakova had to move to Kharkov. In the same year, in March, her husband Boris died of typhus. Zinaida Serebryakova was left alone with four children, but continued to draw with charcoal and pencils. Living in Kharkov in those years was hungry and Zinaida Serebryakova decided to move her family to St. Petersburg in 1920. During this period of Soviet Russia, she painted the picture “Ballet dressing room. Snowflakes" (1923).

In 1924, the artist Serebryakova decided to go to France to earn money for her family. The fate was such that the artist spent most of her life in exile in France - 43 years.

In 1965, three exhibitions with paintings by Serebryakova opened in the USSR at once - in Moscow, Kyiv and Leningrad. Zinaida Serebryakova was already over 80 years old. Success in 1965 was deafening - crowds at the entrance to exhibitions, enthusiastic responses in the newspapers. Forgotten for decades, she became famous. Soviet museums bought up her paintings, and albums with her works were issued in millions of copies. Finally, Serebryakova's paintings were seen by those who had only heard of her.

Zinaida Serebryakova died in 1967 at the age of 82. She is buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois near Paris.